Z7 Solutions: Your State and Local Government Managed Services And IT Solutions Provider

Specializing in the unique needs of State and Local Government sectors, Z7 Solutions is your local strategic partner for efficient, transformative IT services. As a prime state and local government Managed Services and IT Solutions Provider and Integrator, Z7 Solutions is uniquely equipped to harness technology, providing practical solutions that enhance operational effectiveness, productivity, and safety. We specialize in a multitude of IT domains, delivering heavy-duty, industry-leading solutions to the state and local government market. Z7 Solutions is an SBA 8(a) Certified, Native American Women-Owned entity based in Orlando, Florida, and functions as an Indian Economic Enterprise. With MWBE and DBE certifications, our capabilities extend to ensuring seamless, reliable, and technologically progressive solutions.

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End-to-End IT Solutions for Government Entities

Our areas of specialization include Virtual Computing and Cloud Solutions, Information Security, Endpoint Devices, Application Modernization, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), Compute, Storage, Networking and ZTA, Backup and Archiving, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions. 

state and local government
VMware VDI and Application services

Virtual Computing, Cloud Solutions, and High Assurance Services

Understanding the complex digital terrain of the state and local government sector necessitates proficient management of digital infrastructures. Recognizing this multifaceted challenge, Z7 Solutions offers advanced virtual computing and cloud solutions, designed to boost scalability, flexibility, and streamline operational effectiveness.

Our suite of solutions includes Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) services, offering a secure, manageable, and cost-effective approach to end-user computing. We facilitate state and local employees to access their desktops from any location and device, guaranteeing continuity of operations in a highly secure manner.

Z7 Solutions also delivers the advantage of Cloud Service offerings. These services provide your agency with cloud solutions that satisfy stringent state and local government security requirements, ensuring the highest degree of assurance for sensitive data.


Our progressive cloud strategies are tailored to cater to the unique needs of the state and local government landscape, driving innovation in public services. They assure a seamless digital transition, secure data management, and effective resource allocation - all of which are integral to the smooth functioning of state and local agencies. Partnering with Z7 Solutions, state and local agencies can confidently navigate the complexities of their digital transformation journey, assured of high assurance in operational performance and data security.

Information Security

In the realm of state and local government, ensuring data security and integrity is of utmost importance. At Z7 Solutions, we uphold the highest of security standards. Our proactive stance on risk management, data protection, and compliance guarantees a secure digital environment for your agency's operations. Our information security solutions shield critical data and intellectual assets from evolving cyber threats. Certified security professionals on our team conduct thorough risk assessments to pinpoint vulnerabilities and devise customized solutions for risk mitigation. We enforce robust encryption, stringent access controls, and cutting-edge threat detection mechanisms to fortify the protection of your sensitive data. Moreover, we ensure full compliance with pertinent regulations and best practices, delivering peace of mind and safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of your data.

Endpoint Devices

In today's digital landscape of state and local government, the variety of devices used is vast. At Z7 Solutions, we offer a comprehensive range of endpoint device solutions to address this diversity, ensuring a consistent and strong security stance across all network-connected devices. Our solutions cover endpoint security, protecting data stored on or transmitted by these devices, and device management, which controls devices within the network to enforce security policies and maintain system integrity. Additionally, we manage data on these devices to ensure smooth information flow that enhances efficiency. Whether it's a desktop, laptop, mobile device, or Internet of Things (IoT) device, our technology and expertise ensure these endpoints are secure, perform optimally, and meet the rigorous demands of state and local government operations.

Revolutionizing Endpoint Application Delivery: A New Era of User Experience with Z7 Solutions

Application Modernization

At Z7 Solutions, we understand that many state and local governments grapple with outdated legacy systems. As part of our commitment to providing comprehensive IT solutions, we assist in modernizing these applications. The need for agility, efficiency, and adaptability in a fast-paced, ever-changing digital world is what drives us. We overhaul old, inefficient applications and replace them with dynamic, feature-rich platforms that meet modern demands. To do this, we utilize advanced technology such as cloud-native architectures, microservices, and containers. These technologies infuse your applications with the capability to be comprehensive, scalable, and efficient, transforming them into powerful tools that can anticipate and tackle future challenges.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

In the rapidly evolving world of IT, AI and ML have become pivotal in making data-driven decisions and automating routine tasks. At Z7 Solutions, our resources and expertise to help government agencies tap into this technological revolution. We provide AI and ML solutions that can transform data into actionable insights, drive intelligent automation, and revolutionize decision-making processes. Coupled with our high-performance computing capabilities, our AI and ML technologies can unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency and effectiveness in your operations, setting the stage for innovative solutions and advanced service delivery.


As part of our comprehensive IT solutions, Z7 Solutions offers a diverse range of compute solutions tailored to meet the unique demands of government agencies. We understand that every organization has unique needs when it comes to computing power, and we are equipped to provide a wide range of options to cater to these needs. From high-performance servers capable of handling vast amounts of data and complex computations to workstations that enable efficient everyday tasks, we have the resources to power your operations. We also offer specialized systems designed for particular tasks or functions, ensuring that every aspect of your operations is adequately catered for.


In the data-driven world of state and local governments, efficient and secure storage solutions are not an option—they're a necessity. Z7 Solutions provides advanced storage solutions designed to meet both on-premise and cloud-based needs. We ensure that your data is not only securely stored but also organized in a manner that facilitates easy access and optimal performance. Our solutions provide for scalability, ensuring that as your data needs grow, your storage capabilities can grow with them. Whether you need high-speed storage for critical operational data or long-term storage for archiving, our solutions have you covered.

Networking and ZTA

Networking forms the backbone of any IT infrastructure, and at Z7 Solutions, we take it very seriously. We provide networking solutions that ensure your government agency is always connected, facilitating smooth communication and collaboration. Our solutions are designed to promote seamless and uninterrupted connectivity while keeping security at the forefront. We employ Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) solutions, an emerging trend in IT security that operates on the principle of never trust, always verify. By implementing ZTA, we add an extra layer of security to your network, keeping it safe from potential threats and upholding data integrity.

Backup and Archiving

At Z7 Solutions we recognize the importance of data in government operations. Our backup services provide a safe and reliable way to store vital operational data, records, and administrative information, ensuring they can be restored quickly and efficiently in case of a data loss incident. Our archiving solutions, on the other hand, are designed to provide long-term storage for government data so that it is preserved and accessible for compliance, reference, and future use. By combining these services, your data is protected against loss, damage, or unauthorized access.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data is a critical asset for any government agency, and protecting it is one of our top priorities at Z7 Solutions. To this end, we offer comprehensive Data Loss Prevention (DLP) services designed to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and potential data breaches. Our DLP solutions employ advanced technologies to monitor and control data movement across your network, ensuring that your data remains secure and in compliance with regulatory requirements at all times. By preventing data breaches before they happen, we can help save your organization from potentially devastating financial and reputational damage.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (DR)

The ability to continue operations during a disruption and to recover swiftly afterwards is vital for any government agency. At Z7 Solutions, we provide comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery solutions to ensure that your organization is prepared for any eventuality. Our business continuity solutions are designed to maintain service, minimize downtime, and prevent data loss during a disruption. Meanwhile, disaster recovery solutions focus on restoring systems and services as quickly as possible following a disruption. By combining advanced technologies with proven methodologies, we help your agency withstand and recover from a range of potential disasters.

Experience and Expertise

Leveraging our vast experience within Federal and State Governments, including New York State and Florida State County Utility firms, we guarantee reliable and efficient IT services. With years of experience handling year-to-year MSP agreements and overseeing projects of varying sizes and importance, we are your trusted IT partner for your government entities. Our tailored solutions are crafted based on our deep understanding of your specific needs, providing assurance that we can effectively address your unique challenges.

Partnerships with Industry Leaders

Our strategic alliances with industry leaders enable us to stay ahead of technological trends. We incorporate the latest industry best practices in our offerings to deliver superior solution results consistently. With our customer-first approach, your government entity benefits from cutting-edge technology, efficient delivery, and a trusted partner with vast experience within the state and local government sectors.

IT Department, mergers
Monitoring solutions, commercial

Customer-Centric Approach

Z7 Solutions places significant emphasis on customer satisfaction. We understand the need for timely, budget-conscious, and goal-aligned project completion. Our customer-centric approach guarantees rapid response times, access to industry professionals, and substantial savings on license and hardware refreshes. We are committed to delivering services that offer tangible value, driving your operations forward, and ensuring you meet your service delivery objectives.

Join Us in Driving Digital Transformation

Trust Z7 Solutions to lead your digital transformation journey. Our steadfast dedication to upholding the highest security standards and delivering exceptional IT services has solidified our reputation as a trusted Managed Services and Solutions Provider. We look forward to partnering with you, harnessing our expertise to create a technologically advanced future for our communities. Let us leverage our solutions to meet your IT needs - Contact Us today to drive innovation together.