Fortify your defenses with tailored phishing simulation experiences. Assess your team's resilience against targeted phishing attacks in a secure, simulated environment, and use these insights to elevate your cybersecurity measures. We at Z7 Solutions are Orlando-based and provide Phishing Training for businesses of all sizes. We teach you and your employees how to not be the bait of phishing scams, instead tackling the issues before they impact your organization. Are you ready to go phishing?

Phishing Training, Cybersecurity

The Importance of Phishing Training

Phishing capitalizes on a weakness present in every company—human beings. The most secure protection against phishing threats is by enabling training within a controlled setting.

Our phishing simulation reflects the most recent tactics employed by threat actors. We provide insight into staff awareness and security precautions to generate valuable information to address vulnerabilities through software, procedural, and educational improvements. Find out for yourself why we are known as the best Cybersecurity Training in the Orlando FL area.

Strengthen Your Guard

Equip your team proactively against phishing threats.


Our phishing simulations are specifically designed to fulfill your organization's distinct training requirements.


Campaigns emulate strategies employed by threat actors to prepare your team for real-life assaults.


Leverage the training data and outcomes to detect weaknesses and create more effective cyber security habits.

The Process

Authentic spear-phishing simulations, custom-made for your enterprise. Every simulation is crafted and launched to suit your organization's requirements, with the capacity to modify your exercise in real-time and as required to attain the most beneficial results. 

Your Results

You will receive a detailed report featuring specifics of the simulation, technical evaluation, results and main takeaways — including baseline comparisons where applicable. Our specialists offer actionable, easy-to-understand steps to fortify your organization against future phishing attacks.

Phishing Simulation FAQS

Get answers to all your questions regarding phishing simulation and training.

Levels of Phishing Training

Compare our comprehensive phishing packages. Each package incorporates contemporary attack techniques to deliver the most genuine experience and effective results.



Ideal for security evaluations and educational programs. Lightly personalized spear phishing training simulating familiar social engineering attacks.



  • Detailed results analysis
  • Comprehensive next steps to boost resilience



Perfect for security evaluations, educational programs, and fraud prevention. Personalized spear phishing training simulating multiphase attacks and advanced social engineering methods.



  • Detailed results analysis
  • Comprehensive next steps to boost resilience
  • Individual assessment
  • Organizational evaluation
  • Security recommendations
  • Results-based training options



Ideal for CEO impersonation prevention, post-incident fortification, and insider threat investigation. Highly personalized campaign simulating multiphase, interactive, and multidimensional attacks employed by advanced threat actors.



  • Detailed results analysis
  • Comprehensive next steps to boost resilience
  • Individual assessment
  • Organizational evaluation
  • Security recommendations
  • Results-based training options
  • Individual risk analysis
  • Security recommendations for advanced threat actors

Begin Your Phishing Training Today

Learn how phishing simulations can test and enhance your employees' resilience. Our simulations provide a controlled environment where your team can experience and respond to realistic phishing attacks, helping them recognize and avoid such threats in the future. By participating in regular phishing simulation exercises, employees can build stronger defenses and contribute to a safer organizational culture. By implementing tactics taught in our program, you can be proactive in safeguarding your company's sensitive information and reducing the risk of cyberattacks.

Contact our team now to learn how you can save your company from phishing scams today.